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Marine Lab

Founders Hall

What is the Concordia Marine Lab?

海洋实验室成立于2014年,主要有三个目的,为教育推广提供宝贵的资源, Undergraduate Classes, and Student and Faculty Research. The Marine Lab facility consists of a ~2,000加仑的海水循环系统,包括十几个不同的水族馆,每个水族馆的容量从50到400加仑不等,是50多种温带海洋生物(主要是当地物种)的家园,从水母到鲨鱼. The Marine Lab is directed by Dr. Sean Bignami, who holds a PhD in Marine Biology and Fisheries, is an Associate Professor of Biology, and the Biology Department Chair. 该实验室主要由学生志愿者运营,并由大学和院系共同资助, external grants, and individual donations.

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Approximately 20,000 Community Members Served!

The Marine Lab offers educational mobile touch-tank and marine science lessons free of charge to public schools and free community events, 或以学费/费用为导向的机构/活动,并要求适度捐款. We also offer on-site educational programs for groups visiting Concordia University Irvine. 课程针对不同年龄/年级的观众进行区分,并与海洋素养原则和下一代科学标准保持一致.

康考迪亚海洋实验室外展计划的目标是改善 Ocean Literacy 奥兰治县的学生、教师和公众. 外展计划得到了加州SeaGrant的支持, the California Coastal Commission, Orange County Community Foundation, Concordia Alumni Association, Concordia Biology Department, and those served by our programs. 自2016年初以来,这些项目已经为大约2万名社区成员提供了服务!

How to book a mobile touch tank or on-campus outreach event?

Schools, organizations, 或希望申请外展活动的个人应提交以下外展活动申请表至 [email protected] at least three weeks prior to the desired event date. If you pass this deadline, 您可以通过电子邮件询问我们是否可以在短时间内安排一个活动.

Request Form

Prior to events on the Concordia campus, 所有参与的成人和儿童都被要求填写责任免责声明.

Holding seastars


康考迪亚海洋实验室帮助支持康考迪亚学生的各种课程, including Introduction to Biology, Marine Biology, Physical Oceanography, Zoology, Ocean Science, and Research in Biology. 课堂上有机会使用活的海洋生物进行学习, the Marine Lab, and the field. 学生也有机会参加拓展活动或自己在海洋实验室做志愿者.


康考迪亚海洋实验室支持由学生和教师进行的海洋科学研究, 包括与班级相关的和独立的项目,从微生物学到水产养殖科学.

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Pismo Clam Ecology & Aquaculture

For more than 6 years, 康考迪亚大学海洋实验室一直在研究皮斯莫蛤(Tivela stultorum)的种群状况和生态。, a native species unique to California and Baja California. Recently, California SeaGrant awarded the CUI Marine Lab and collaborators, Holdfast Aquaculture and Get Inspired, Inc., 一项为期两年的拨款,用于资助皮斯莫蚌养殖业的发展,作为可持续养殖海产品的来源. Read more about our Pismo clam projects here

Photo: Pismo clams are located on local sandy beaches. These clams are approximately 2 years old, 但皮斯莫蛤的个头要大得多,寿命可以超过十年!


我们的学生和教师已经扩展了他们的皮斯莫蛤研究,以调查有关该物种生态学的一些问题, behavior, physiology, and potential for aquaculture. This research has produced a peer reviewed scientific article,在专题讨论会上提出,并在加州鱼类和野生动物部展出 Pismo clam Enhanced Status Report, and has been reported in the media. 点击下面的链接,观看一些学生和教师关于这项研究的演讲:

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Abalone Aquaculture and Restoration

The Marine Lab collaborates with to advance green abalone population restoration efforts. 我们的水产养殖科学研究正在帮助提高圈养幼鱼的产量,最终放归野外.


Two students doing research at Shaw's Cove

Intertidal Community Monitoring

我们很高兴与俄勒冈州立大学和许多其他机构合作,共同努力确定岩石潮间带群落如何应对最近由于海星消瘦病而导致的掠食性海星数量下降. 我们的教师和学生在奥兰治县研究两个长期监测点.


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Student Research

海洋实验室全年举办各种学生研究项目, both in the field and lab. 我们很自豪能够支持我们的学生,因为他们渴望探索自然世界!

More Information

Visit the Lab

开放时间:现时没有预先安排的开放时间, but please contact us to see if we can accommodate a visit.
Location: Founders Hall Room 100


目前和以前的支持是由加州海洋基金提供的, California Coastal Commission Whale Tail grant program, the Orange County Community Foundation, the Concordia Alumni Association, and the donations of individuals.

捐赠给海洋实验室的款项将用于支持我们持续的动物收集和护理, 以及我们的外展计划和研究项目的运作. 您的支持可以直接针对一般预算或我们项目的具体方面.

whale tail, protect our coast and oceans fund logo Sea Coast, California logo
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Support the Marine Lab

How to get involved

康考迪亚海洋实验室主要通过康考迪亚和其他机构的学生志愿者的工作来运作. 如果您有兴趣参与海洋实验室,请与我们联系 [email protected]

Contact Us

Director: Dr. Sean Bignami, Associate Professor of Biology
[email protected]

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